Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 22, 2012

This Week In First Grade:


Monday: TVE Spirit Day
Tuesday: Wear Red Day and Walk to School - Meet up at Myers Park to walk to school with Staff, Stont Point Cheerleaders and Football Players
Wednesday: Bully Prevention Program at 9:10
Early Release: Wednesday 10/24 Students will be released early at 12:45. Please let the first grade teachers know if there is a change in transportation.
Thursday: Reach for Your Dreams - PJ Day
Friday: College Spirit Wear

This Friday is Harvest Exploration Day!!

Students will be rotating through the teachers' classrooms and participating in pumpkin exploration and communication. We will be measuring, estimating, floating, writing and reading about pumpkins. Remember, help may be needed by your teacher. Please contact your teacher if you can help.

Language Arts: Poetry Terms and Application - rhyme, simile, onomatopaeia
Math: Graphing and Problem Solving; Addition Facts and Turnaround Sentences; Fluency in Addition
Science: Energy: Sound, Light, Electricity
Social Studies/Leadership: Goal Tracking; Leaders in Politics and American Symbols